First you need to register with Online Services, then login to Online Services and apply for a Wildlife Authority and choose which class of WA permit Standard Class 1 is all you require for any of my baby turtles.   https://www.qld.gov.au/environment/plants-animals/wildlife-permits/permit-types/wildlife-licence/keeping-native-animals/do-i-need-a-licence/how-to-apply#apply also known as Reptile Wildlife Licence (RWL)

No, there is no such thing as Penny Turtles, this was a marketing deploy many, many years ago.  All turtles grow, just like a Great Dane puppy.

No, absolutely No.  Department of Environment and Science can and will do random inspections.  I will not risk my Reptile Licence for that.

Have a look at my Care Guild pages

Have  a look at my Care Guild pages.

As a baby, only once per day, and everyday if you can.  At 6 months about 5 times a week.  12 months can start to feed every second day.

No.  if the wild turtle is injured, please take it to a Vet with reptile experience (contact me if you don’t know who), Vets will do this as a free service for wild animals.  If not injured, take it to the other side of the road towards a water source of where you found it.  It is illegal to take reptiles from the wild to keep.

Also go to https://www.turtlesat.org.au/turtlesat/default.aspx TurtleSat and help aid the mapping of Freshwater Turtles of Australia, and you can upload your pictures of it.

It is best practice to keep turtles of similar size in the same tank or pond. If you have an adult turtle is not advisable to put baby turtles in the same tank, due to risking of injuring the baby turtle. Turtles are quite happy to be alone, but also happy with company.
I am happy to answer calls and emails in the interest of turtles, my time is valuable and needs to be respected.
I am not a Vet, nor do I hold and degrees in Vet Science. Any of my comments comes from my experience with turtles. If your turtle is sick, please consult a Reptile Vet. But many people may get confused if their turtle is sick with just shedding skin and/or scutes or segments of their shell, this is normal, and extra dry time helps.
The chances are that this is a burn mark and needs to be treated. The turtle has found a nice dark spot with the water heater, then the water heater turned on and has caused a burn and usually on the head. Please fit a plastic Water Heater Guard from your local pet store.
Sorry no. I only breed the turtles, for all tank and other equipment please source from a business or from the second hand market. I can not compete with a business’ buying power or range. I may suggest a few retailers but I do not get any rewards from them.

Yes, a very popular Facebook group is Australian Turtle Keepers plus their home page has heaps more information.
Also join Turtles Australia Inc, proactive group, actively protecting wild turtles nests.
Also Tiaro Land Care https://www.tiarolandcare.org.au/ local group also very active in saving turtles

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