About Us

Who we are?

We started out wanted a pet with a difference with our busy lifestyle. We visited many pet stores and came across a pet store a little difference with reptiles.
In August 2004 we decided to buy a first couple of baby Murray River Turtles and then in September we got a couple of Eastern Long Neck Turtles. Information about Australian Freshwater Turtles was hard to find, and finding information which was good, was even harder.
We found a forum about turtles which was very helpful and found many things advised to us by pet shops and the internet were wrong, so we corrected our turtle husbandry for the better. Also, from this forum we adopted some unwanted adult turtles. This then let to joining a group doing Scientific studies in Freshwater turtles and also breeding in the wild.

We are proud members of Turtles Australia Inc, in which your support and membership is most welcomed at www.turtlesaustralia.org.au   This group is doing amazing studies of turtles and also protecting the populations of freshwater turtles.

In December 2011 we had our first baby turtle hatch, one of two fertile eggs. A baby Murray River Turtle (Emydura Macquarii Macquarii) name Houdini.   The egg was incubated in a makeshift setup of a lunchbox of pearlite on top of our Foxtel unit.

March 2016, we incubated (again on the Foxtel cabinet) and hatched our first baby Eastern Long Neck Turtle (Chelodina Longicollis), Raphael. January 2021 we had our first Macleay River Turtle (Emydura Macquarii Dharra) clutch hatch.  This time in our incubator.  The Foxtel unit was replaced with a modified wine fridge for an incubator in 2013.  From this clutch of 6 we kept on special turtle who we call Cyclops.

Now I have many turtles, in multiple tank setups and two different pond enclosures.  The Murray River Turtles live in one enclosure with 3 ponds and the ELNS live in an above ground enclosure made from IBCs.

All our ponds have been designed and built by myself and have custom home-made filtration systems.

At present I have three different species of Turtles and trying to breed them to go to new families.

We are located in Brisbane, on the North side, just down the road from the Chermside Shopping Centre

I am currently not accepting unwanted pets, as I have reached my limit of population in my pond enclosures

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